Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Bible Study

It is that time of year study time!!! We started up again on Sept. 14. This fall we are going through the book "I Second that Emotion" by Patsy Clairmont. Some of you may have heard of her. She is speaker with Women of Faith. Even though we have only gone through the introduction and the first chapter, I can tell that this is going to be an amazing book and a very insightful study. Ladies, we encourage EVERYONE to come out.
PS: We have our watchcare up and running again.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Travel Training

Hey all!

If I haven't contacted you yet, don't worry I will. I want to put it out here that travel training is still set for this coming saturday, August 15. Please be there by 8 for breakfast. Lunch will be provided (we're having a potluck) I need to get a head count, please. I think that I have talked to about 1/2 of the ladies so far, I will be talking to the rest of you Sunday and Monday!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Carpet

Doesn't the chapel look wonderful? The new carpet is beautiful! (I was asked to pass this along.) Just a reminder to everyone, let's help keep it that way. Please keep food and drinks out of the sancuary and keep it to a minimum in the nursery.

Friday, July 17, 2009



I will be making phone calls and sending e-mails in the next couple of days. I need everyone's help in making this year's retreat/kick-off a success. I have made a general outline/plan of events based on this year's theme. "Arise for the Lord Extends His Scepter" and the theme scripture is Psalm 45: 6-9 and 1 Peter 2: 9-10.

I would like to have a planning session this coming week. With everything going on for me, it would easiest if everyone could just come to my house. For anyone reading this that can help out, please contact me.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Lisa Wade Farewell

Just a reminder that this Saturday, the 27th, starting at 10am PWOC will be farewelling Lisa and her family. This is a potluck lunch, and I will be calling everyone that I have talked to in the last couple of weeks to remind them.

Can't wait to see everyone there!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Widows'/Widowers' Tea

Today we honored our chapel family widows and widowers. What a fun event!! Good friends, good food, good music, and a lively "guess who" game kept the event alive. We couldn't believe it when it was time to go. Here are some pictures and clips of Nesheeda singing so that those who couldn't attend can almost feel like they were there.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Board Members


Please remember that we need to fill board posistions. I am more than willing to steop up as president again. At first I wasn't sure if I was capable, I have been feeling like I have been letting PWOC down, but Ruby made a good point to me last night. Your first year is good practice for setting your up for a second year. Thanks Ruby!!

I am not sure how Riley or Rhonda feel about staying on the board for a second year, but I hope they do. Rhonda you have been wonderful at looking after our money. Riley, you have been amazing at getting us involved in the chapel.

There are three posistions that desperately need filling. Secretary, Hospitality, and our vice president (not sure if it is 1st or 2nd) who is our spritual life leader.

Personally I would like to nominate Alicia as our hospitality chair. After the joyous response from the care baskets I feel like she is the right person to fill this need.

Again, just pray about this and go where the Lord leads you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Women's Challenge

It's time for the annual Women's Challenge. I came across this last year and it was a lot of fun! You can take the pledge and either do the challenge on your own or participate in a team. Last year I joined the Little Rock team and I thought it would be fun to have our own team.

The whole challenge is pretty easy. You set yourself personal weekly goals and try to meet them. There are also quizes you can take. By meeting your goals and taking the quizes you earn virtual trophies.

The thing that I really like about this challenge is that even though you can join a team you aren't working out with a team. I don't have the time or the set schedule to work out at the same time/day with any degree of consistencey. So I worked out when I could, completed my activity tracker and those were seen by the team leader. I got great uplifting and encourageing weekly e-mails.

I have started a PWOC team. Here is the site for anyone who is interested in joining.

After you register you can join a team. When the team list is shown click to have it sorted by state and then look for the LRAFB PWOC team.

Registration is on-going and the challege officially starts on May 10.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 19

For everyone who missed last night's bible study, we started at page 71 in the workbook. We managed to go through day one last night. (We were exceptionally chatty last night, but there was a lot of great discussion)

I am still getting the prayer requests together. I wrote them so hurredly last night that tonight I am having a little trouble deciphering my own handwritting. I should have those posted sometime tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday Night

It was so nice to get back into the bible study after the Christmas break. I want to welcome Maria who came for the first time. I hope to see more of you! I also want to extend a huge wecome and THANK YOU!! to Chyneeta (I am so sorry if I am butchering the spelling of your name) I met her at the 11am service on Sunday and she volunteered to help with our watchcare program until we can find someone more permanent. She also has two sons. Jaylon is 9 and Mark is 1. Welcome to all of our new people!

For anyone who missed Monday's meeting, we watched a video. You can contact Alicia if you would like to borrow it. We are in the book starting on page 71. All I have to say about the first section is that I was shocked. I had to re-read sections a few times because I couldn't believe that they were talking about David.

A concern was brought to my attention on Tuesday. Are we meeting on Monday? It is Martin Luther King Jr Day. I know that the schools are closed and so will most of the base be. However, I personally don't want to get any further behind in the bible study. The space is reserved for us in the chapel that night. We will also be having our board meeting that night and Alicia will be there to discuss the care baskets for anyone interested. With all that in mind, for those of you who want to attend bible study that night we will be there. For those who don't want to because of the holiday, I will post what we discussed on our blog.

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bad Weather

We were unable to have Bible study Monday night due to the bad weather. Does freezing rain in Arkansas only happen on Mondays? :)

Hopefully there will be nothing standing in the way of this coming Monday. I know I have missed the study.

Also, please continue to pray for a solution to our watchcare difficulties. There is another PAC meeting (Parish Council) on the 15th where this will be addressed again. If anyone as any suggestions, please let me know. If anyone knows of someone who is willing to volunteer, please pass there name along.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Monday Night Bible Study

I want to let everyone know that we are having our regular bible study tomorrow night. It is a video night. There was some confusion as to whether or not we would be meeting since Alicia's daughter will be performing in a play at the same time. I talked to Alicia and she said that she didn't feel right cancelling bible study, but anyone who wants to attend is more than welcome. You can get all the information regarding that from her or JoEllen.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! And for those going to Little Rock to see Alicia's daughter I look forward to seeing you next week and hope you enjoy tomorrow's performance.