Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Prayer Requests

These are the prayer requests and praises from the last two weeks. If I have forgotten anyone, please let me know and I will add them.

Alicia- Praise that a project she was dreading at work and was scared about was finished with the Lord guiding her

Maritza- Please pray for her Daughter-in-law who is expecting a baby in December. She has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. We just want to pray for a contined healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery for both mom and baby

Jeremy and Kassy Lehman- Please pray for continued healing as they struggle to deal with the death of their daughter this summer. Please pray that Jeremy can turn it over to God and rid himself of the guilt that he is feeling. Please pray that their marriage stays strong and that while they are learning to lean on the Lord they can learn to lean on eachother as well

Joy- Praise the Lord! Joy was in a major car accident recently and walked away with just a small scratch on her arm.

Brenda- Traveling mercies for her and her family as they prepare to depart for Ft. Hood, NY

Jessica- Please pray for a safe delivery and surgery when she has the baby on October 12.

Lisa- Please pray that she have courage to call the doctor and pray for God to guide the doctor has they figure out why she is in pain

Also, Sister Helen is getting some ladies to help clean/cook/ect for Neva Parker. If you feel called to help please contact her.

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